
Saturday, April 30, 2011

On the Back Burner...

As I said yesterday, I still need to order backing for the Bento Box quilt... so last night I sat in front of my bucket list and then my fabric stash for a few solid hours pondering what to start. Ask anyone who knows me well, it takes me a REALLY long time to get started on something. I don't know why. It is obnoxious. I am pretty sure that I read quilt books for a year or 2 before I actually cut into my first piece of fabric. I think it may be a disease, or at least some type of syndrome. 

Anyway, a few weeks ago I mentioned that I wanted to get a jump on kitchen curtains, oven mitts, and a stand mixer cover as well as pillows for the living room. Well, since then, we decided that it is time for us TO BUY A HOUSE. Yesssss! That made me think that starting home decor projects right now, when we don't know what our house will look like in a few months, would be stupid. So, I am going to put all home decor related projects on hold for a while. 

With that said, I need a new project to work on. I have so many fabrics in my stash, but I am finding myself uninspired. I am still so nervous about cutting into them. Stupid, I know. But, in my defense, designers are coming out with fabric too quickly! I still haven't even cut into my Anna Maria Horner Garden Party or some Good Folks, or Innocent Crush lines yet, and now she's coming out with a new line and you can't even buy Garden Party or Good Folks anymore.  I have also found that a lot of the fabrics I love the most are all mainly larger scale prints. When I look through my quilt books, I don't really see any quilts made from larger scale prints. That is something I am struggling with as well. Maybe I should just look at all of the traditional quilts in my books and make them all on a bigger scale to accommodate the bigger more modern prints? 

Bah I don't know. Now the wheels are spinning though....


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