
Monday, June 13, 2011


Ever since I eyeballed this post I knew that I had to try out this way of making labels. I don't even know how I came upon it. I've seen a few labels here and there and I just couldn't dig. When I saw this method of making labels for projects, I felt relieved that there was something out there for me. 

I wanted a few different labels. I wanted a personal label for quilts that I make as gifts. Then I wanted to make a label for quilts I sell. I also wanted a smaller label for items other than quilts.

We can start with the personal labels. I used Inkscape & Gimp software (open source & free photoshop type software) to make these labels. The "by Lauren" actually looks very crisp and clear in person, just a bit fuzzy on screen. I really like the label. I like the design. I might make the label a little wider and also might make the font for the information a little bigger and bolder. I decided to make the personal label in 2 color schemes. This was probably influenced by the Bento Box Quilt and the Garden Party Log Cabin quilts that I have going on. One is blue/green schemed and the other is a berry colored quilt. 

I knew I wanted labels for things I plan to sell, like mug rugs and other smaller goods. These seem to have come out a little smaller than anticipated. I do really like the color and I like the font, although it might be hard for you to tell.

And here are the craft my life away quilt labels. These I really like.

 My only dilemma with the whole process is that I think the quality is very poor. I uploaded the picture to and then chose the fabric to print on (100% cotton @ $18.00/yard). This is by far the least expensive fabric, but at $18.00/yard, that isn't cheap! I think that if I was to actually buy more (not just the samples above) I would have to upgrade the fabric to something sturdier and nicer. The 100% cotton really feels like crap and you can see right through it. Maybe I can mail them some Kona Cotton and ask them to use that? I don't think that they'd like that.

The plan is to use these samples to make sure I have the measurements, colors, and fonts correct and then order more with a better fabric and start labeling some quilts and other projects! I only have about 30 mug rugs to label....


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