
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Confessions of a Knitter

Oghhh I have soooo many unfinished knitting projects. I don't know what it is about knitting. I always create a project to bring with me on a weekend trip, work on it for that weekend, and never finish it again. 

A few friends have been asking me to teach some more knitting classes, so I made a deal with myself that I need to finish up these projects before I venture on and start new ones. It only makes sense, right?

These are all of the projects that I could actually find...

This is the start to some soft knit baskets. I have no idea how, but somehow I am missing 1 page of the instructions and can't go any further. Boo. I need to go re-buy the book. Or find it online somewhere, because I did technically pay for it already. If anyone has this pattern, please please let me know.They are called "Soft Baskets".


A scarf.... I think that I started this one last year. This color is soooo pretty. I really should finish it. It's just a simple mistake stitch ribbed scarf. Easy Peasy.

A shawl. I think that it is called Ishbel and it is possible that I got the pattern from I cannot confirm that though, considering I cannot find the pattern anywhere! Maybe if I check out my ravelry purchases it will be there. It really is so pretty, and I got soooo far! I predict that I messed up somewhere and couldn't figure out where. I probably took the same row out 4 or 5 times and finally gave up. Maybe I'll rip out the lacework and start over at the last stockinette stitch row.

Another scarf. This one is called a waffle stitch scarf in an amazing wooly wool. I started this little number last year. I think that I may have stopped knitting this one because I was at the point of joining in a second skein and I couldn't decide if I should add another one or not. Well, I am going to add another one. I just decided that.

I really don't know what this is. I have no recollection of this project. The yarn is dark dark charcoal, almost black, with yellow flecks in it. It is supppperrrrrrr soft though. 

I knew exactly what to do with this project. Do you blame me? I think the yarn will make for a great men's scarf.

That's actually not so bad. I need to finish the two scarves and that shawl soon. I have goals. lol.  My girlfriends really want me to teach them to knit a project that isn't a scarf (i.e. socks, gloves, mittens). Little do they know HOW EASY those projects are! I am trying to think of something that I want to make for myself, maybe some more fingerless mittens? I gave my only pair away in the giveaway I hosted a few months ago. They are easy enough because they have no fingers. They can likely be whipped up in an afternoon of chatting with girlfriends, drinking wine, and watching Bridesmaids in the background.

Ok. Must get knitting.


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