
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Figgy Rail Fence Endings Part I

Remember the Figgy Rail Fence quilt I opened the blog with?

Well, quilting progress came to a halt when I realized that I cut the backing and batting too short. I got mad then stopped working on it. Typical.

I pulled it back out this weekend and analyzed the situation and it's not SO bad. I know I did a lot of things wrong with this quilt, so I am slowly getting over every little thing because the colors are so pretty. 

(I already know what is wrong with this picture. I made a conscious decision to NOT fix the batting and backing because I was too lazy. We will see what happens. Might be bad news.)

 (Gob enjoying my quilt sandwich!)

 (Excuse the floors! Doing a little basting..)

 (More basting)

 (Quilted the center, rail fence, portion of the quilt using a cross hatch that is about 3in x 3in)

I am not in an outrageous need to finish the rest of the quilting because I cannot find a binding fabric that I like. I searched through my stash and then stared at the fabric stacks at Joann's for about an hour on Sunday.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I want to find a light light yellow almost beige pin dot fabric. Not big dots, just little dots. Help?


1 comment:

  1. Glad you returned to this pretty quilt, Lauren. It's looking lovely!
    Sorry to hear you're stuck with not finding what you want for binding. I know what that's like - and it's frustrating. Just wondering if you have fabric left from making the blocks and could make a scrappy binding? Just a thought.
