
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Figgy Rail Fence Finito! / Finishing My First Quilt!

I finally finished this quilt!

It is the first quilt I have ever completed entirely by myself!! YAY (finally!). 

There were a few bumps along the road (like mis-measuring the batting and backing, a poor basting job on the corners caused some problems, etc). Overall I think it looks great. My fabric tastes have changed a bit since I bought that fabric (2 years ago), so I am not sure what I'll use the quilt for. The cats seem to have taken to it nicely. 

I ended up using a light brown tone on tone crosshatched fabric:

 (lots of strips cut and ready to go)

 (all pinned)

 (all stitched together)

 (I keep my binding on my 2nd thread spool holder, not sure if anyone else does this but it seems to be working well for me)

I got the binding on without any big problems. A few blips, but when you're machine stitching the binding I guess that will happen. Here is the finished product:

 (finished size is 48x48)

 (I love looking at quilt backs. I just think it looks so cool to see exactly what you did)

 (This pink fabric was my absolute favorite fabric from the pack)

And then proof of bad basting shows. I almost wasn't going to show this picture, but I promised to show all my failures. I don't really know what happened here but I was in too deep to fix it.  I must just not have paid much attention to basting the corners properly. I hopefully won't be making the same mistake again:

I really enjoyed starting and finishing my first quilt (without help). I have lots of quilts floating around in my head and have well enough fabric to get a few going.

OH! Did I mention that this knocks another item off my bucket list? Yesssss!

Check out my finished projects here.
