
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Craft Room Progress & Giveaway Winner

Welcome to my craft room (in progress). 

I finally have everything unpacked and put away. Well, let's be honest, it's not really put away, it is more like ... put somewhere. 

 (view from upstairs hallway)

 (my worktable)

Here is most of my fabric stash. The very top row is all of my fabric that is either reserved for another project or not quilting cotton. I have an old bridesmaids dress, some linens, home decor weight, and a pair of jeans. All of my quilting cotton is organized by color, obviously. I am clearly low on red, orange, and purple. 

This section of bookcases has more sewing/quilting stuff on it. The top shelf is reserved Heather Ross Far Far Away II fabric that I am hoarding, followed by the fabric for the My Sweet Charli quilt that I have been working on. The second shelf from the top is my Anna Maria Horner shelf because I am her #1 Fan. The 3rd shelf there is my Famer's Wife Quilt-a-long shelf with all the fabrics that I have reserved for that there. The other shelves are miscellaneous quilting/sewing crap that is in desperate need of organization.

This set of bookcases houses my entire yarn stash and collection of knitting needs and crochet hooks. Oh, and the top shelf is apparently where I store the 16 birdcages that I bought at Michaels one day. Woops. Impulsive much?

Although this set of bookcases doesn't look particularly organized, I at least started. The top shelf is all of my scrapbooking goodies. Down from there is my jewelry shelf, embroidery, notebooks/cards (really? An entire shelf for notebooks and cards?), then a bookshelf, then a shelf for my gocco and its supplies, and lastly a totally miscellaneous shelf. 

My window. Thank God I have a window in the room. I am pretty sure that I'd go nuts without one. Also, apparently that's my shelf for wrapping paper. 

My blank wall with only the ironing board. Very exciting, I know.

Ooo and my closet. It isn't really a full closet because it has a staircase which leads to the attic, but it certainly has enough space for my extra crap.

Now that I've shown you my messy crafting room, I absolutely have to get it tidied up over the next year. I am getting a great feel for where I want things and stuff like that, so this will be fun!

Ok. Now to that GIVEAWAY WINNER! The winner is Kimberly who had like 11 entries into the contest because she linked my blog to her blog post. I would have been shocked if didn't select her. Wooo hoo! Hey Kim, check your e-mail!

Thanks for entering, everyone.



  1. Holy frig you have a lot of stuff! Sad I couldn't make it Sunday (Clarynne invited me)since I headed back to the city Fri but hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  2. The craft room looks awesome! im excited to see it soon!
