I thought you'd all enjoy a little garden update.
Don't they look amazing!!! We are very excited, and have grand plans of drinking lots of wine and making batches of eggplant cutlets to freeze.
We also harvested some Red Marconi Peppers. I have never had these peppers before, but they are supposed to be sweet. We couldn't find Red Bell Pepper seeds ANYWHERE so there were a suggestion. Not sure what we will do with them yet, Husband suggested that I figure it out soon though. Red Bell Peppers are good in stir fries, quesadillas, and fajitas, right? Maybe I'll just chop them into their appropriate size for the dish and freeze them.
This one was especially perfect!
Hope you enjoyed.
For the next time. You won't find Red Bell Pepper seeds. Green bell peppers are unripened red bells. If you have green bell peppers in your garden, leave them on the plant and they will turn red. They also get a bit sweet!