
Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or suggestions. My e-mail address is craftmylifeaway@gmail.com.

You can also find more of me . . . 



  1. I saw a wonderful photo of your craft room and would love to know the resources that you used for cabinets counters etc. I turned 70 last month and have decided that I have waited far to long to have a craft room that I designed instead of one furnished with cast offs that don't quite work. When I saw the photo it led me to the blog, however I have not been able to get back to the photo. Thanks so much.

  2. Do you make dog coats?

  3. Hello! I see the comment above referencing dog coats which is a great idea! I am having a terrible time trying to find a coat with a neck size in excess of 19" and I was wondering if you make these. It would require a very durable and animal resistant fabric. Please let me know when you get the chance

  4. What a great site! Seriously, R U?

  5. What an adorable kitty cat in the scarf - is she for sales?

  6. Amazing Summer Quilt!
